An idea accelerator.
A dialogue initiator.
A learning generator.
For you. With you.

The Fund for Triangular Cooperation with Asia (the Fund) is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Triangular cooperation has been recognized by the BMZ as an effective tool to foster partnerships, mutual understanding and trust between those involved. Hear the message from BMZ Minister Svenja Schulze on OECD Conference in Lisbon in October 2022.
The achievement of Sustainable Development Goals requires different perspectives and approaches. This is why TrC projects have been specifically encouraged in the course of implementing the 2030 Agenda. To bring different actors together with TrC and create spaces for dialogue, mutual learning and networking, the Fund supports the launch of policy dialogue events in Asia and will act as a co-organiser together with the host institutions from the region.
The dialogue will examine how TrC can build enabling frameworks among countries that are engaged or interested in TrC. This can strengthen efforts to create strategic partnerships in pursuit of global sustainability goals.
All future events will be announced through the Fund’s website.
TrC is not yet a common practice among development practitioners – neither in Germany nor in Asia. Therefore, the Fund puts special emphasis on learning and experience sharing.
Capacity development measures will therefore aim at strengthening the capability of individuals from implementing organisations and cooperation agencies to design, initiate and manage complex TrC projects. Practice-oriented training modules dealing with different aspects of TrC project administration, such as monitoring and evaluation, or management of multi-stakeholder constellations may be included.
All future trainings will be announced through the Fund’s website.