Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Strengthening
for Cambodia and Mongolia

Background and Key Components

Climate change, rapid urban development and industrial development pose enormous challenges to urban resilience and flood protection in Mongolia and Cambodia.

The pilot aims at supporting Cambodia and Mongolia in making civil protection more effective, strengthening existing climate risk management and increasing economic resilience to risks.

  • 2022
    Two research studies on Mongolia and Cambodia

  • March-November 2022
    Three online workshops on early warning and response, urban resilience and resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

  • September 2023
    Fact finding mission to Mongolia and Cambodia
Pivotal Partner (China/Government):
Beneficiary Partner (Mongolia & Cambodia/Government):
Facilitation Partner:

Fund for Triangular Cooperation with Asia*

*This pilot was inspired by BMZ’scommissioned project- Support of Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia (SRECA), SRECA started to design triangular cooperation activities in the filed of disaster risk deduction in 2021. In 2022, the Fund took over the workstream and implemented it as a pilot.